Bruce Edwards, President (Womelsdorf Borough)
Mark Spotts, Secretary (Robesonia Borough)
Rob Gordon, Treasurer (Wernersville Borough)
Jestyn Payne, Solicitor (Kozloff Stoudt)
Robesonia, Wernersville, and Womelsdorf Pick-up Schedule
Robesonia Tuesday Thursday
Wernersville Wednesday Thursday
Womelsdorf Monday Fridaymmm
Holiday Schedule
New Year's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Weekday holidays will delay collection by one day for the remainder of the week.
For example, if a holiday falls on a Thursday, Thursday customer will be collected on Friday and Friday customers will be collected on Saturday.
Trash/Recycling Guidelines
Trash Service
Service Information
Resident may place up to (4) 35 gallon containers or up to (4) 35 gallon bags or (2) 65 gallon containers out for collection each week.
Service Schedule
Trash service is provided weekly: Robesonia - Tuesday, Wernersville - Wednesday, Womelsdorf-Monday
Container Setout Instructions
Place trash at the street the night before or by 6 a.m. on collection day. Please bag all trash before placing in your container.
Set up New Residential Service
Contact Waste Management at (800) 869-5566.
Service Instructions & Limitations
Don’t overfill your containers. There is a 4 bag or 4 container limit per week.
Acceptable and Non-Acceptable Materials
Acceptable items include household trash like ship bags, paper towels, plastic bags, and textiles (donate if lightly used). Non-acceptable items include large construction/demolition waste, auto parts, tires, household hazardous waste (paint, oil, household cleaners), medical or electronic waste.
Report a Missed Pickup
Contact Waste Management at (800) 869-5566.
REMEMBER: here in the Robesonia-Wernersville-Womelsdorf Trash COG, we have SINGLE STREAM RECYCLING — which means all paper products/cardboard go in the recycling can! You CAN bundle cardboard or put paper in Kraft bags next to your can, but that is not the preferred way! NO GLASS. NO PLASTIC BAGS FULL OF RECYCLED MATERIALS.
Contact Waste Management
Chat hours
Mon-Fri 7:00AM to 6:50PM and Sat 8:00AM to 12:00PM
Customer Support Center
for more in-depth support, send us an email
Contact (click here)
Berks County Solid Waste Authority
Electronics Hazardous Waste Glass Paper Sherding
Contact Information
Robesonia Borough Hall: 610-693-3474
Wernersville Borough Hall: 610-678-1486
Womelsdorf Borough Hall: 610-589-4725
Berks County Recycling Center: 610-478-6362
About Us
What is the Robesonia-Wernersville-Womelsdorf Council of Governments (COG)?
The Robesonia-Wernersville-Womelsdorf Council of Governments (COG) was formed by the Boroughs of Wernersville, Robesonia, and Womelsdorf in 1985 to manage waste disposal costs. Since then, all three municipalities have passed ordinances mandating recycling as well.
The COG contracts for trash collection and disposal, which includes recycling.
The Robesonia-Wernersville-Womelsdorf Council of Governments (COG) is currently providing recycling education information and promotional recycling materials with the assistance of the the borough libraries and borough offices.
In 1985, landfills had plenty of space. Twenty-nine-years later, landfills are approaching capacity and everyone is more environmentally conscious. Today the goals are to minimize dumping tonnage and tipping fees at the landfills and maximize recycling tonnage and the returns from the sale of recycled materials.
The COG encourages everyone to fill the gray, yellow-topped 65 gallon recycling containers with the items listed on the above-noted Recycle Right color reference sheet for pick-ups. All collected recycled material is sent to our Materials Recovery Facility for processing. The processed material is then sent to manufacturers to use in the production of many consumer items. Remember to close the Recycling Loop and always recycle and try to purchase items made from recycled material.
© 2024 Robesonia-Wernersville-Womelsdorf Council of Governments (COG). All Rights Reserved.