Joint Water Authority

-Service Since 1949-

Our Service

Berks County
Womelsdorf Borough, Robesonia Borough, Heidelberg Township, Marion Township
Lebanon County
Millcreek Township
We provided our approximately 2,200 customers with a little over 152,000,000 gallons of water yearly or 415,500 gallons per day.
Sources of

All of our water supply is pumped from four deep groundwater wells. Two of the wells are in Heidelberg Township, south of Robesonia; and the other two are in Millcreek Township, Lebanon County. Water storage is provided by two 1.5 million gallon capacity welded steel tanks.
Our drinking water meets all federal and state requirements.

Quarterly Rate Schedule for Residential Meter
First 3,500 gallons or less – $30.00 minimum charge (3/4" service)
Next 16,500 gallons – $4.00 per 1,000 gallons
Next 20,000 gallons – $4.40 per 1,000 gallons
Over 40,000 gallons –
$4.60 per 1,000 gallons
(1) Rates effective 01/01/2025
(2) The minimum quarterly charge is $30.00 for meters 5/8" and greater.
(3) There is a $2.00 per quarter charge for hydrant maintenance.
(4) There is a $2.00 per quarter charge for the PA DEP Safe Drinking Water Annual fee.

We continue to implement our long-term forestry management program and its enhancement of our area’s ecology. A tangible benefit of the program is it’s generation of revenue through biennial timber sales. The Authority has earned total net revenue over the past thirty years of approximately $1,500,000, enabling us to minimize the need for rate increases.
Contact Us
General Business
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 94
Womelsdorf, PA 19567